Material Identity

Press Release 


Olga de Amaral, Emilie Pugh, Camilla Emson, Yun Kyung Jeong and Adeline de Monseignat

09|10|14 – 03|11|14

To coincide with Frieze Art Week 2014, Rook & Raven exhibited the work of acclaimed Colombian artist, Olga de Amaral, alongside four young, female artists; Emilie Pugh, Camilla Emson, Yun-Kyung Jeong and Adeline de Monseignat. This group of emerging young artists have each produced works inspired by the Colombian matriarch, exploring cultural identity and femininity through their material practise.

Material Identity is an introspective journey through the multidisciplinary practise of the artists in the exhibition, whose works explore the varied and changing cultural landscape of identity. The inherent delicacy of their works evokes a sense of balance between what is material and immaterial, between form and composition, and the physical and metaphysical.